This notice is to inform members and friends of British Conservatives in Paris of an increase in the annual membership fee from the current Euros 30 to Euros 40 starting 1st January, as voted by a majority of members at the AGM on 28th June, 2023.
Dear members and friends of British Conservatives in Paris,
The Committee of BCiP wishes a very happy New Year to all our members and friends, along with their families. I hope 2024 will bring you prosperity, security and hope.
To celebrate this new beginning, it is my pleasure to invite you to our New Year Party which will take place on:
Wednesday 17 January, at 7.30pm, at St George’s Anglican Church, 7, rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75116 Paris (métro Klébert or Etoile).
There will be a festive menu, a quiz and, in preparation for the looming general elections in the UK, a demonstration of voter registration for citizens living – as we do – abroad.
The great novelty, of course, is the overturning of the 15-year limit on eligibility. As from 16 January, all overseas citizens will be able to register to vote, regardless of the length of their absence from the UK.Conservatives Abroad and BCiP have campaigned relentlessly for many years to restore the right to vote for all Britons living overseas and this – whatever the outcome in the forthcoming elections – is already a victory.
As this is an election year, we are setting the price for the evening of Wednesday 17th at 45€ to enable us to make a special donation to Party funds to support the campaign. It is imperative that we strive to keep Conservatives in power, so that Rishi Sunak’s government can continue to steer the country out of a very difficult period.Labour cannot at all be relied upon to do so.
The UK general elections are not the only ones in the offing. It is crucial that conservative politicians are elected wherever possible in the Western world, so as to ensure the maximum chances for economic recovery and to keep out the ‘woke’ madness that is sowing disorder in so many areas of life. For the sake of future generations, we must fight the good fight.
I look forward to seeing you,
Best wishes,
Jeremy Stubbs
British Conservatives in Paris
Tel;06 38 53 11 66